

Contact us for booking
hotel in bodhgaya

The Imperial Bodhgaya
N.H 83, Gaya-Dobhi Rd, near Airport, Mastpura, Bihar 823004
Tel: +91-631-2200116, 2200146
Mob: +91-9471003372, 8802673071
Email: bodhgaya@hoteltheimperial.com

Hotel in Kushinagar

The Imperial Bodhgaya
N.H 83, Gaya-Dobhi Rd, near Airport, Mastpura, Bihar 823004
Tel: +91-631-2200116, 2200146
Mob: +91-9471003372, 8802673071
Email: bodhgaya@hoteltheimperial.com

Central Reservation
DDA 2F/506, Commercial Flat, District Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058
Mob: +91-9810204666, 9810350951
Email: info@hoteltheimperial.com
Website: www.hoteltheimperial.com